Monday, June 27, 2011

Hari Permuafakatan.

Last Saturday,for the first time i was invited to be one of the teachers in charge of giving and reviewing the report cards of students on The Parents-Teachers Day (also known as Hari Permuafakatan). anyway,the least i can say is - i felt honoured.

So on this fine Saturday morning i parked my car and walked to the Hall and took my seat. i was Cikgu Faizal's assistant for his class 2 Jujur. a few minutes with no sign of parents,Cikgu Faizal went out to do some errands,leaving me alone.

In the midst of being alone,the parents decided to show up. i was like "why didnt you come when Faizal was here? im clueless". what to do right? i just had to fake it.

Me: Assalamualaikum... nama?
Parent: *something-his-name-is*
Me: *pretends to know what im about to do while searching for the report card with the name* oh,OK.


Me: Aaahh,ok encik,ni report card anak encik. anak encik dapat nombor so and so dengan purata so and so and bla bla bla.. yada..yada..yada...
Parent: *angguk2*

*after a few more explanations and faking professionalism*

Parent: Ok,thank you cikgu.

After he turned his back,i was beaming - with pride. then after a few more parents i felt comfortable. my favourite parent was this Punjabi guy. hes soooooooo nice! and had fun poking fun at his son.

Needless to say,i felt like a true teacher. ive never been proud. being a teacher is awesome - aside from the students,classes and paper works. what is left? great other teachers who have become great companions. thats whats great about being one.

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